Arturo Garcia

Arturo Garcia was conceived in the United States in New York. Arturo Garcia was born under the zodiac sign of Pisces. Arturo Garcia rose to stardom on his Tiktok Star TikTok platform with his account kingarturo510, which is the platform where he was able to be recognized for his hilarious mix of POV videos, story time videos and reactions videos. He frequently makes videos together with his buddies. Through the platform the platform, he's got over 550,000 followers and 170.000 followers. His TikTok profile went live in the month of May in 2022. In addition to his TikTok account is also active on YouTube platform where he uploads pranks videos and funny interactions with strangers. The most popular video on TikTok was his response video of July 20, 2022. The post received 260.000 views. Ethan his brother who is his age is the name he uses to describe his brother.

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